
Thursday, November 29, 2012

make it better...

Post break up with Mike, things are different. I've been trying my hardest to stay busy and try not to focus on the fact that I'm lonely and that becoming single during the holidays sucks. I know that I made the decision to break up, and that I wanted this, but it's still really hard.

Source: via Sally on Pinterest

I have been talking to a new guy a tiny bit, and I like him, but I'm not really sure I'm ready to jump into anything. I know that I need time to "mourn" the loss of my relationship with Mike and not just try to fill the void that was left.

So, my real goal here is to focus on me. Focus on the holiday season. Focus on how lucky I am to have the other people in my life.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oh, pinterest.

Yay for Pinterest Wednesdays throughout the holiday season. These are the best.

I plan on living a lot this holiday season. With bright red lips and nails!

One of my favorite things to do throughout the Christmas season is to spread random acts of kindness. In my family we all call it "passing the cheer"

These puppies! Oh my.

Such a cute centerpiece idea.

Seriously can't wait to do this with every fridge I come into contact with!!


Perfect for a Christmas cake!!

So cute.

I'll take this please.

Loving new appetizer ideas!

Happy Wednesday!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

holiday kickoff

Thanksgiving weekend is probably my favorite weekend of the entire year. Wednesday we make pie. Thursday we eat! Friday and Saturday we shop and then Sunday we get our Christmas trees! This year it definitely didn't disappoint. We had the best time!
First, we feast! Look how big my (11 year old!!!!) niece has gotten!!

Then we shopped. We spent about 10 hours (starting at 11pm Thursday night) at the Palisades mall. We had a few too many trips to Starbucks, and a lot of laughs. I seriously love black friday shopping!!
Then we shopped some more. Saturday morning 6am at Woodbury Commons!
Then we celebrated. It was time to cut down Christmas trees! Hopefully I'll get mine up today or tomorrow and I'll have pictures to share. 

I hope your weekend was full of wonderful times with friends and family. I'm still recovering from mine! Last night it took all of my effort to stay up until 8pm! I was soo ready for bed at 6!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving. Today's the one day of the year that we are all supposed to reflect on the things in our lives that we're grateful for. This year more than any other, I know that I'm a very lucky girl. I'm surrounded by amazing friends and family and we've been through a lot this year.

Kicking cancers ass. And magically recovering from a traumatic brain injury.

The best family on the planet.

The best friends on the planet who are there no matter what happens.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

oh, how pinteresting.

It's one of the best Wednesdays of the year, it's pie day and it's pinterest day. How could that be bad? There were way too many pins that I loved this week, so without further ado, and without too much wordiness, here are some of my favorites...

If you were looking for ideas, this is exactly what I'd like for Christmas.

Or this house. You could buy this for me...So gorgeous.

Adorable DIY ornaments.

Source: via Tara on Pinterest

Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest

Stunning table setting.


These look delicious, I'll be adding them to the cookie list for this year!

Source: via Beatriz on Pinterest

Source: via Rachael on Pinterest

There is a good chance that I need this shirt in my life.

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

This is too cute. Maybe a onesie for Branson?!

Happy Wednesday friends!

And Happy Thanksgiving if you aren't around tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

bad. bad. bad.

I've been a bad blogger for the past few weeks. Life has been busy and it has been a little rough to blog about anything when my heart hasn't been there. In short, Mike and I broke up. It just wasn't right and I'm working through it and trying to figure out where to go from here.

In an effort to have a weekend to unwind, I made the trek up to Boston for my friend Anne's 29th birthday celebration. Her birthday is kind of a big deal in our circle of friends, and is celebrated with a party bus every year. We do different themes every year. We've done 80's, animal print, neon, white trash (horribly offensive but hilarious) and this year was "so bad it's good". Going out of her 20's with a bang, this bus will be hard to beat!

Friday, November 16, 2012

so bad, it's good.

Tonight I'm heading to Boston for the first time in about 2 years. I couldn't be more excited about this trip. After the week I've had, it is well deserved. Every single one of my college friends are reconvening in Boston  to celebrate our friend Anne turning 29!

Tomorrow night we will be donning our most awful outfit combinations and hopping on a party bus to drink our faces off and dance our booties off.

Aside from the bus, I'm dying to go to some of my favorite old haunts. A few bakeries, a few bars and I plan on spending a very long time just wandering around the commons soaking it in.

so bad.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Happy Wednesday! I'm loving pinterest this morning, are you?

The pinner before me had this labeled as a possible bachelorette party favor, but I'm loving it just as a saying. I am eternally grateful to the friends who have partied with me all night and who are there for me no matter what.

This is just gorgeous. I am officially ready for the holiday season. I'm ready for Thanksgiving, black friday, tree hunting and Christmas. I love this time of year and I am really to wrap myself up in it.

Mmm...Pie. Salted caramel apple pie to be specific. Yum!

Love the idea of a pie party. Growing up, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving was "pie day" in my family. All the women would congregate at my Grandma's house and we would spend all day making a million different pies. Apple, cherry, pecan, chocolate, pumpkin...Some of my favorite Thanksgiving memories are from pie day.

Seriously gorgeous.

Super fun wreath.

A wedding couldn't be further from my mind right now...But this dress makes me wish that wasn't true.

Happy Wednesday!!